4th Semester – Church History, Eschatology, and Covenant Theology
We meet each Monday Jan. 20 to May 19 from 6:30 - 8:30pm
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
What is Shepherd School
Shepherd School is to train men to shepherd their family and to shepherd the church. The responsibility of the spiritual condition of the family falls on the husband and father. The responsibility of the church lies on the men of the church. Therefore we need to train men to shepherd so that the church may be Biblically healthy for generations to come. Then together the church will shape the culture and society. Shepherd School meets Monday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Shepherd School has 4 semesters
1st Semester - The Character and Attributes of God
2nd Semester - The Word, Sin and Salvation
3rd Semester: The Church: Elders and Deacons, Mission and Worship
4th Semester: Church History and Eschatology
Shepherd School is to train men to shepherd their family and to shepherd the church. The responsibility of the spiritual condition of the family falls on the husband and father. The responsibility of the church lies on the men of the church. Therefore we need to train men to shepherd so that the church may be Biblically healthy for generations to come. Then together the church will shape the culture and society. Shepherd School meets Monday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Shepherd School has 4 semesters
1st Semester - The Character and Attributes of God
2nd Semester - The Word, Sin and Salvation
3rd Semester: The Church: Elders and Deacons, Mission and Worship
4th Semester: Church History and Eschatology
Shepherd School meets Mondays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm